AGM Minutes

Hike Norfolk AGM Minutes 2023

04 /11/2023

Opening: Steve Bunn, opened the meeting at 2:00pm at The River Garden, 36 Yarmouth Rd, Norwich

Present: Steve Bunn, Ian Hardicker, Mac Craigmyle, Simon Grieves, George McDougall, Rachel Adams, Susanna Smart, Susan Bennet, Chrissy Stone & Mel Spencer

Apologies: Claire Hill, Julian White, Richard May, Martyn Freear, Vicky Homan and Lizzie Meadows.

Welcome from Chairperson

Steve thanked everyone who attended the meeting. He discussed matters of the minutes so there is a recording or why we are here and what we are doing. The minutes are available to all members and can be found on both the Ramblers and Hike Norfolk websites. They are there to benefit all members.

Minutes of the last AGM (2022)

Steve summarized the minutes from the last AGM (full minutes had be shared with committee in advance for the AGM). The minutes were proposed by Ian Hardicker and seconded by Simon Grieves, there being no matters arising from these minutes, they were passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

The accounts of the Group’s income and expenditure was explained by George McDougall Independent Examiner in the absence of Richard May, Treasurer.

Area funding received; £240.44 plus £10.00 from Ramblers Walking Holidays. From which £215.17 was spent. £154.01 on the summer training events and £36.50 on the 2022 awards. Net surplus £34.73. Balance brought forward £691.29. Total £726.03.

The accounts were proposed by Richard May / George McDougall and seconded by Steve Bunn, they have been sent to Ramblers via the Area Treasurer, along with a copy of the satisfactory Examiner’s report.


Chairman’s Report

2023 was another good year for Hike Norfolk. We saw growth in our paid-up membership and audiences on social media. A number of new volunteers joined the walk leading team, which again allows the group to offer more walks in new locations and events for our members.

Walks Coordinator’s Report

The established format of offering visibility of a rolling 4 weeks walk progamme on Meetup continues to work well and given the increased depth of cover provided from our walk leader team we have been able to offers a great selection of walks, throughout the county and beyond. So, in all, it has been another excellent year for group walks.

We have managed to have at least one walk on for most of the weekends throughout the last twelve months some of them achieving record numbers of attendees which is good to see, and all the walks have been well attended. On the weekends where there has been more than one walk on, this does not seem to have been detrimental to number of attendees which is good and overall, the feedback from the walks has been really positive which is also a good sign that the walk leaders are coming up with walks that people want to do.

Membership Secretary’s Report

Membership numbers have fluctuated this year with a high of 156 in March and have finished the year at 148 members up 2 members on this time last year. This pattern is very similar to Norwich group and significantly better than the other Norfolk groups.

Social Media Officer Report

We now have 371 followers on Instagram, a steady increase since last year. We have regular likes/interactions on posts and the odd comment and questions. A small poll on Instagram showed that most people who saw and answered said they first heard of us somewhere other than Instagram (Probably Facebook), but a few people have discovered us on Insta, so we do reach new people this way, and it is a great platform to share photos. Our Facebook membership has now grown to over 1,700 people. With this growth has come an increasing number of irrelevant adverts and postings, measures will be required to manage this going forwards.

Social Secretary’s Report

Our monthly meals continued to be successful with all meals being fully booked every month. The Sunday lunch trial meal went well, and a few people have asked if we could do a Sunday roast another time combined with a short walk beforehand. 30 people have also signed up to Christmas meal. We also have had good turnouts for our gig and pub nights. The Norfolk Wherry sailing trip and canoeing days were well supported.

Website Manager Report

The main purpose of the Hike Norfolk website is to provide information about our group and the wider Ramblers charity. We have received several enquiries from the “contact us” page that have resulted in new people walking with the group.

Election of Officers

The following committee members were re-elected; Social Media Officer – Clare Hill, proposed by Steve Bunn and seconded by Simon Grieves. Membership Secretary – Rachel Adams, proposed by Ian Hardicker and seconded by Simon Grieves. Social Events Coordinator – Clare Hill, proposed by Steve Bunn and seconded by Simon Grieves. Website Manager – Steve Bunn, proposed by Ian Hardicker and seconded by.

Steve Bunn (Chairperson & Social Events Coordinator), Martyn Freear and Ian Hardicker (Walks Coordinators), Richard May (Treasurer), Vicky Homan (Group Secretary & Social Events Coordinator), George McDougall (Independent Examiner), Julian White, Simon Grieves and Mac Craigmyle (Ordinary Members) all did not stand for re-election.

New committee members were elected for the roles of; Group Secretary – Mac Craigmyle, proposed by Steve Bunn and seconded by Simon Grieves. Walks Coordinator – Simon Grieves, proposed by Steve Bunn and seconded by Rachael Adams. Social Events Coordinators – Rachel Adams, proposed by Ian Hardicker and seconded by Steve Bunn. Treasurer – George McDougall, proposed by Richard May and seconded by Ian Hardicker. Ordinary Members – Susanna Smart and Ian Hardicker, proposed by Steve Bunn and seconded by Rachael Adams.

Mac Craigmyle was appointed to the position of Independent Examiner, proposed by Steve Bunn and seconded by George McDougall.

In the absence of anyone coming forward for the Chairperson position, Steve Bunn agreed to continue to cover the role with regards to dealing with central office and admin matters. Ian Hardicker agreed to support with operational elements of the role, pending a possible standing for the Chair at the next AGM.

Objectives and Events for 2024

Walks: To continue offering a rolling 4 week walk progamme on Meetup. To offer multiple walks on Saturday, Sundays when walk leader resources are available, plus midweek walks when possible. To offer our walks to as many people as possible, only setting limits on numbers when necessary.

Events & Socials: To expand our group trips aways in 2024. A number of ideas were discussed and provisionally agreed on; Lake District – Ian. London walks – Steve. Northamptonshire Weekend – Mel. Peak District – Rachel.

Norfolk Area AGM

Hike Norfolk will be hosting the 2024 Norfolk Area AGM. It will be held on, Saturday 10 February 2024 at Strumpshaw Community Hall.

Volunteers will be required to make and prepare sandwiches and cakes. A Volunteer will also be required to lead 4/5 mile walk in the morning.

Any Other Business

  1. First Aid kits. To investigate assembling basic kits for walk leaders.
  2. First Aid Training. To enquire if central office is running training in 2024, if not to pay for training from local funds.
  3. To enquire with central office how to deal with a request to bequest money to the group.
  4. Walks Manager. To test platform and ascertain suitability for the group.
  5. Facebook. 1). To increase number of administrators to manage posts and new member applications. 2).  To set up group rules for new Facebook members.
  6. Committee to discuss and review what the theme of the 2024 Christmas Awards should be.
  7. Chair to ascertain if monies promised to Norfolk Area for boardwalk / kissing gates has been paid.

Close of Meeting

Date and time of next AGM will be in November 2024, date, and location TBC.