Hike Norfolk AGM Minutes 2024
The meeting commenced at 12.30pm
Adrian Johnson (acting Chair)
Rachel Adams (Membership Secretary)
Clare Hill (Social Media and Social Events Officer)
George McDougall (Treasurer)
Susanna Smart (Ordinary Committee Member)
Simon Grieves (Walks Co-ordinator)
Mac Craigmyle (Secretary)
Ian Hardicker (Ordinary Committee Member)
A presentation of a Cotswolds gift voucher was made to Steve Bunn, the outgoing Chair, in recognition of his service to Hike Norfolk and his development of the group, particularly in keeping it active during Covid lockdown.
Last year’s Minutes
The minutes of the previous AGM meeting, held on 4 November 2023 at the River Garden, Yarmouth Road, Norwich, were accepted as a true record and approved by Adrian and seconded by George.
Treasurer’s Report
George read out the report of the accounts for the year, which have been duly audited by a qualified accountant, Mr Simon Hill.
Our opening bank balance for the year was £726.
Total income for the year was £234, which all came from funding from the Ramblers Association.
Total expenditure was £431; including £200 to Ramblers Norfolk for the repair of a kissing gate; AGM expenses of £157 (with £100 refundable deposit); and a gift for the outgoing Chair, Steve Bunn.
Our bank balance carry forward is £530.
Walks Co-ordinator
Adrian read out the report from Simon, the Walks Co-ordinator:
A big thank you to all walk leaders. This has been another good year for led walks, which have attracted many existing and new walkers. The group has only failed to lead a walk on six occasions over the year and three trips away have been organised: Northamptonshire, Slovakia and the Peak District (due to take place from 30 October-3 November).
14 walk leaders have been active over the year and we appreciate their commitment. However, we are still looking for more walk leaders and are happy to give help to those who are new to leading and to provide information on Ramblers online training courses.
It is recommended that the walking events are advertised well in advance on MeetUp so that people can put the dates in their diaries. Four weeks in advance would be preferable, if possible.
Simon stated that he would be prepared to stand for re-election as Walks Co-ordinator.
Social Media Report
Clare reported that there was good engagement on Facebook and the website, with more traffic passing through the former. She uses Instagram for walk photos and also to advertise walks. Facebook is also used for information, photos and advertising. Twitter is not used. Over the year, Clare has had to block some posts on Facebook as they were inappropriate, eg. personal advertising or non-walking events. She expressed a wish to step down as Social Media Officer but said she would be prepared to continue if no-one else came forward to undertake the role.
Social Events Report
Clare reported that it had been a mixed year for social events, although the holidays were well attended. The most recent social meal was cancelled through lack of interest. Clare recommends holding a meal or social event every other month and is prepared to continue to be involved with this but needs help. Two HN members, Jo and Jeanette, volunteered to assist and Clare will liaise with them.
Membership Report
Rachel reported that the Hike Norfolk membership numbers fluctuate. 131 people have HN nominated as their home group within the Ramblers; some people walk with HN but do not have it as their nominated group. The group does receive a small donation from the Ramblers for each person who has it as their home group. It was suggested that on HN walks, it should be pointed out to people that they can nominate a home group direct from the Ramblers website.
Election of Committee
Chair: Adrian Johnson – proposed by George McDougall, seconded by Susanna Smart. Duly elected
Treasurer: George McDougall – proposed by Adrian Johnson, seconded by Clare Hill. Duly elected
Secretary: Mac Craigmyle – proposed by Susanna Smart, seconded by George McDougall. Duly elected
Membership Secretary: Rachel Adams – proposed by Jill S, seconded by George McDougall. Duly elected
Walks Co-ordinator: Simon Grieves – proposed by Jeremy Bolam, seconded by Clare Hill. Duly elected
Social Media Officer: Clare Hill – proposed by Vicky Jepson, seconded by George McDougall. Duly elected
Social Events Officer: Clare Hill – proposed by Julie Wade, seconded by Susanna Smart. Duly elected. NB. This is dependent on Clare having assistance.
Ordinary Member: Susanna Smart – proposed by Adrian Johnson, seconded by George McDougall. Duly elected
Ordinary Member: Ian Hardicker – proposed by Vicky Jepson, seconded by George McDougall. Duly elected.
Any Other Business and Feedback
The following suggestions were made:
- Longer walks in summer
- Midweek walks
- Evening walks in summer
- Figure of eight walks to encourage inexperienced new walkers
- Special short walks for beginners
- Choice of a short walk and a long walk on the same day
- Long distance paths
- Long weekends away
- City breaks
Finally, Clare reported that places for the HN Christmas lunch on Saturday 7 December were fully booked. The meeting ended at 13.15